Our Trade Fairs 2024


Visit us directly on-site

Meet us at the upcom­ing trade fairs in 2024, where we will show­case our min­er­al com­pounds, indus­try-lead­ing experts, and top-notch net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Our trade fair for­mat pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the lat­est trends and appli­ca­tions up close. We look for­ward to meet­ing you in per­son and dis­cussing the future of our industry.

Contact person

Sascha Elfers
Head of Mar­ket­ing


MAGNESIA Presskit (18,2 MB)

Latest press releases

Expansion of the business model – MAGNESIA launches private label provider

MAGNESIA GmbH has been an inter­na­tion­al dis­trib­u­tor of min­er­al raw mate­ri­als since 1983. Since Feb­ru­ary 2022, the MAGNESIA plat­form elements+…
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International trademark rights for sustainable lightweight fillers

The MAGNESIA light­weight fillers Mag­Spheres® are based on nat­ur­al raw mate­ri­als such as recy­cled glass, upcy­cled mate­r­i­al from ener­gy production…
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MAGNESIA in print media

Stadtlichter Okto­ber 2023 — 40 Jahre MAGNESIA (0,3 MB)

Lan­deszeitung No. 239 — Ein Jubiläum voller Under­state­ment (1,4 MB)

Quadrat Okto­ber 2023 — Von Lüneb­urg in die Welt (0,4 MB)

PRISE Okto­ber 2023 — Zwis­chen Tra­di­tion und Zukun­ft (0,5 MB)

Revista Plas­ti­co Mod­er­nos No.775 — Light­weight Fillers (1,5 MB)

Food Tech­nolo­gie — In aller Munde (0,5 MB)

Indus­try Europe — MAGNESIA Hid­den Cham­pi­on (0,9 MB)

Inno­va­tions in Food Tech­nol­o­gy — MAGNESIA The Hid­den Cham­pi­on (0,3 MB)

Lünepost — Erfol­gre­iche Inte­gra­tion (2,6 MB)

MAGNESIA in online media

Food Tech­nolo­gie – MANESIA: Erweiterung des Geschäftsmodells

Phar­ma + Food – MAGNESIA startet Pri­vate-Label Ange­bot für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel

Mac­plas – Inter­na­tion­al trade­mark rights for sus­tain­able light­weight fillers

Vitafoods Europe - Trade fair

Vitafoods Europe

Stand num­ber: G155

Date:May 14th to 16th, 2024

Place: Gene­va, Switzerland

Book your meet­ing withPhar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, Food, Nutri­tion­al & Health Sup­ple­ments, Inter­na­tion­al Business

Cosmetic Business - Trade fair

Cosmetic Business 2024

Stand num­ber: C12, Halle 2

Date: June 5th to 6th, 2024

Place: Munich, Germany

Book your meet­ing withCos­met­ics

CPHI - Trade Fair

CPHI 2024

Stand num­ber: 24C91

Date: Octo­ber 8th to 10th, 2024

Place: Milan, Italy

Book your meet­ing withPhar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, Food, Nutri­tion­al & Health Supplements

Dis­cov­er the lat­est inno­va­tions and trends direct­ly on-site! Our booth awaits you with a ded­i­cat­ed sales team ready to intro­duce our newest prod­ucts to you. Immerse your­self in the world of inno­va­tions and let our excit­ing nov­el­ties inspire you. Vis­it us and expe­ri­ence what the future holds.

We are present for you at the trade fair — with­out our own booth, but with full com­mit­ment and exper­tise. Feel free to sched­ule an appoint­ment with us in advance so that we can allo­cate suf­fi­cient time for you. We look for­ward to meet­ing you in per­son, pre­sent­ing our lat­est prod­uct inno­va­tions, and dis­cussing your projects.

Visitors at the trade fair

Even though we won’t be arriv­ing with our own booth, we are still look­ing for­ward to meet­ing you at the trade fair. Our indus­try experts are ready to dis­cuss the lat­est trends and prod­ucts with you. Rest assured that we can pro­vide you with the same ded­i­cat­ed advice and insights as if we had our own booth.

Feel free to con­tact us to sched­ule a meet­ing and exchange ideas with our experts.

Neutraceuticals - Trade fair

Neutraceuticals Europe

Date: March 6th to 7th, 2024

Place: Barcelona, Spain

Book your meet­ing withNutri­tion­al & Health Supplements

in-cosmetics global - trade fair

in-cosmetics global

Date: April 16th to 18th, 2024

Place: Paris, France

Book your meet­ing with:  Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals & Food


Date: May 7th to 8th, 2024

Place: Nurem­berg, Germany

Book your meet­ing with:  Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness & Food, elements+

Would you like to learn more about our prod­uct port­fo­lio or appli­ca­tion-spe­cif­ic solu­tions? A team of experts spe­cial­iz­ing in Phar­ma, Cos­met­ics, Nutri­tion­al & Health Sup­ple­ments, Food, Light­weight Fillers, Tech­ni­cal Mag­ne­sia, and Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness is avail­able to advise you in a per­son­al conversation.